Unit 73: Sound for Computer Games

Why is music and sound FX so important within game development? What is Foley? Foley is the making of everyday sound effects which are added to games and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. The reproduced sound could be someone getting punched in the face but in reality it would be a slab of meat getting whacked by a bowling pin. The person who came up with Foley is called Jack Foley and was born April 12 th 1891 and died November 9 th 1967. What is Timbre? Timbre is the quality of a sound and is distinct from its pitch, intensity and frequency in acoustics, phonetics and music. In acoustics and phonetics the quality of sound is independent in pitch and loudness. In music timbre is the sound produced by a particular instrument or note. Wave length The wavelengths of the different sounds are affected by the size of the wave lengths. The wider the wave length the deeper the sound and the taller the wave length the louder it is an...