My Gaming Machines - Then and Now

My Gaming Machines - Then and Now

When I first started gaming i used an xbox 360 arcade which came with Halo 3, but now i game on a PS4. Over the years consoles change and im going to show you a side by side comparison of the specs of both consoles.

Xbox 360 Arcade specs:

Release Date: December 2nd 2005
Video Memory: 10 MB
AV Output: HDMI
Network: Ethernet
Manufacturer: Microsoft 
Max External Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Graphical Processor: ATI Xbox 360
Video Modes: 1080i, 720p and 480p
Processor Type: PowerPC
Core Type: Triple-Core
Manufacturer of Processor: IBM
Clock Speed: 3.2 GHz
Dimensions: Width 40.7, Height 36.6, Length 21.8 mm  
Weight: 1.3KG
Link to website for the specs:

PS4 Specs:

Release Date: November 15 2013
Main Processor: Single-Chip custom Processor
CPU: x86-64 AMD Jaguar 
Number of Cores: 8 
GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon 
Memory: GDDRR5 8GB 
Storage Space: 500 GB or 1TB 
Network: Wireless or Ethernet 
AV Output: HDMI 
Mass: 2.1KG
Dimensions: Width 265, Height 39, Length 288 mm 
Power: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption: 165W
Operating temperature: 5°- 35°C
Link to website for the specs:

When the Xbox 360 Arcade came out i got it with Geometry Wars and UNO, but my favourite game on the console was Halo 3.

At the time Halo 3 was the greatest looking game on the console as it had innovative graphics and massive level design.It was revolution at the time as it introduced the forge map editor for a new generation console.

My favourite games on PS4 so far are: 


Until Dawn 

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition

Skyrim Definitive Edition 

Dear Ester Landmark Edition

Lords of the Fallen

Xbox 360 Arcade game comparison against PS4 gameplay.

Halo 3 - Xbox 360 Arcade 



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