Outlast Review

My review for:


Outlast is a first person survival horror game made by Red Barrels and released on PC  The game is set in a first person found footage narrative taken from famous horror movies like V/H/S and Grave Encounters The game is strongly based on atmospheric suspense and horror and is centred around a sanitarium overrun by homicidal patients.. You play as a man called Miles Upshur who is an investigative journalist who is exploring the sanitarium for illegal mistreatment of patients. 

The game has no weapons system but it does have a system where you can run and hide under beds and in lockers. The game's AI is state of the art as it will search the room where you ran into and it will check under the beds and in the lockers. The items you will carry is a notebook of all the notes you will find in the game. The notes can be collected using your camcorder but there are manilla folders you can also find to add to your notebook. you also have a camcorder with built in night vision. The camcorder has a limited battery supply so you will have to scavenge for batteries and ration them as you wouldn't like to be in the dark and not be able to see. 

The pros of Outlast:

 Its innovative AI its hiding system, the suspenseful horror and the atmospheric tension. Outlast is scary as hell, it has a good story line and an amazing setting. The game is one of my personal favourites as it ties in with the found footage genre. 

The cons of Outlast: 

There are a few bugs and glitches but not game breaking. It does have some repetition and underwhelming character design. 


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