Unit 73: Sound for Games

Unit 73: Sound for Computer Design

In this article I will be comparing two pieces of music (The last of Us Theme Song by Gustavo Santaolalla and LittleBigPlanet 3 Dead Heat by Barry Adamson.)

The Last of Us Main Theme by Gustavo Santaolalla 

The Last of Us Main Theme by Gustavo Santaolalla is a sombre piece of music with a western feel to it. The main theme makes the game emotionally manipulative. The instrument used to make the song was a de-tuned guitar which produces a deep noise. The places the music was recorded in were a bathroom and a kitchen to get the right acoustics. Gustavo also used low harmonic tones to evoke a reaction from the player which would trigger their emotions.

Little Big Planet 3 Dead Heat by Barry Adamson

Little Big Planet Dead Heat by Barry Adamson is an cheerful, calm melody and sets the pace and the emotion for the level. The track is slightly sombre and plays with the emotions of the player. The song is looped so that the level can go on for longer. 

Comparing The Last of Us Main Theme and Dead Heat
Both tracks use lossy compression in the form of Dolby Digital. The Last of Us is a story driven game whereas Little Big Planet 3 is about creativity. The Last of Us is survival horror game, but the music for the game is mellow and emotionally calming. Little Big Planet 3 is a puzzle platform game and the music is upbeat and chilling. The games are different genres but still have the same feels as each other. They both engage the audience in the same way. 

 Theory of Sound
The Last of Us Main Theme was probably made in Gustavo Santaolalla's bathroom or kitchen as the sounds will echo and crate an eerie atmospheric sound. Some parts of the Main Theme was recorded in a studio using a de-tuned guitar. 

Little Big Planet's Dead Heat by Barry Adamson was recorded in a studio using different types of instruments and has high points and low points.

Psychology of Sound

The Last of Us Main Theme has a sombre tone to it and plays with the players emotion. It uses abstract sounds to create atmospheric tension and sadness. The game uses the music well in key locations (I won't explain which sections as no one likes spoilers.) It creates an environment around you that feels like there's nothing left. The music in The Last of Us is iconic and has won many awards.

Little Big Planet's Dead Heat by Barry Adamson is a cheerful song which sets the environment for the stage which is fun but sometimes frustrating level. The song is calming and has no tension and it makes the player feel relaxed.

Audio Environment
The Last of Us uses surround sound to set the tension and environment for the player. The sounds and music in the game make it more realistic which makes the game feel more vibrant and atmospheric. The sound is key in The Last of us as there are zombies called Clickers and they make a sound so you have to be alert and listen for the sound. The game has a wide range of sound effects which makes the more "alive".

(Clicker Sound) 

Legal Issues
The Last of Us had some legal issues for example Ellen Page says Naughty Dog ripped off her likeness even though she wasn't involved the actress who played Ellie was Ashley Johnson. She didn't sue the company but complained and felt flattered as she was already working for Quantic Dreams to be Jodie Holmes in Beyond Two Souls.

Little Big Planet 3 has no known legal issues but it did have servers which crashed a lot and gameplay glitches and problems. It also had problems where the DLC content didn't install properly.


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