Types of Digital Graphics

Types of Digital Graphics

Raster File Formats

BMP: Bitmap is a commonly used raster graphic format for saving file images. The BMP format stores colour data for each pixel in the image without compression. BMP are images used often for printable images.

Bitmap Image

The Pros of BMP (Bitmap)

Bitmap files may translate well to dot format output devices such as printers.

Pixel values may be modified individually or as large groups by altering a palette if present.

The Cons of BMP (Bitmap)

The images can be very large particularly if the image contains a large number of colours. 

The more complex a Bitmap image is the less efficient the compression process will be.

GIF: GIF or Graphics Interchange Format. A GIF is an image file format commonly used for images on the web and also used for sprites in software programs. GIFs use lossless compression that does not degrade the quality of the image. GIFs store image data using indexed colours, meaning a normal GIF image can include a maximum of 256 colours.

The Pros of GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

It uses 256 numbers of colours and also uses lossless compression.

Its suitable for logos, flat areas of colour with well defined regions and its also suitable for icons with a few colours and suitable for small animations.

GIF Image

The Cons of GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

GIF is the oldest format for the web as it was created in 1989.

Another con is that in most cases it has a bigger file size than PNG.

TIFF: TIFF or Tagged Image File Format is a file format that can handle colour depths ranging form 1 bit to 24 bit. People have been making small variations of the TIFF format so now there are 50 variations of the file format.

The Pros of TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

TIFF isn't compressed which means that no data is lost.

TIFF images are accurate and high quality.

The Cons of TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

Tiff isn't supported everywhere and the size of the images are incompatible with web usage.

Due to the bigger size its harder to email a TIFF image and digital cameras can't store many images.

JPEG: JPEG or Joint Photographic Experts Group is a popular image file format. It is commonly used by digital cameras to store files. The format also supports varying levels of compression, which makes it ideal for web graphics.

JPEG Image

The Pros of JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

Its supported by all operating systems and is a good solution when you need to take special care of colour details.

Its the most common extension and is supported by all cameras. photo printers and/or editing software.

The Cons of JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Groups)

Its not suitable for logos, iconic graphics or everything similar due to compression as it doesn't render the sharp contrasts.  

It's not recommended to save a JPEG image multiple times as each new save means the information will be discarded.

Vector File Formats 

EPS: EPS or Encapsulated PostScript is a graphic file format that describes a drawing. It is a standard file format for importing and exporting PostScript files.

The Pros of EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

EPS files can accurately reproduce digital photos 

The quality of the image produced is superior and it has great printed image qualities. 

The Cons of EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

The main drawback of EPS is that it needs to have Adobe to produce an image, without the image quality will turn out bad.

WMF: WMF or Windows MetaFile is a graphic format developed by Microsoft, it contains a series of drawing operations, including commands for drawing lines, circles and rectangles. 

Screenshot from Windows MetaFile

The Pros of WMF (Windows MetaFile)

WMF is a Windows standard format that works well with Microsoft Office.

The Cons of WMF (Windows MetaFile)

Its hardly used and not many people know of it.

FLA: FLA or (Adobe) Flash Animation is an animation project created with Adobe Flash. It contains graphics, video, text elements, audio and other assets. FLA files are often saved SWF files for use on the web as they are accessible in most web browsers with a Flash plugin. 

Screenshot from Flash Animation

The Pros of FLA (Flash Animation)

It supports audio, animation and advanced interactivity, it also integrates well other web technologies.

It is widely used and has a large developer community providing great support for developers.

The Cons of FLA (Flash Animation)

It encourages design abuse and distracts from a site's core values.

Breaks web fundamentals.

AI: AI or Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editing program. It is composed of paths connected by points, rather than bitmap image data, AI files are commonly used for logos and print media.

Screenshot from Adobe Illustrator 

The Pros of AI (Adobe Illustrator)

It integrates well with other Adobe products and it works with all systems. 

It supports multiple page outputs and you are able to improve your precision.

The Cons of AI (Adobe Illustrator) 

It has a very steep learning curve and you've got to have an eye for the fine details of your art.

Although the files are relatively small, they can sometimes be difficult to share and there is limited photo editing.


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